Into Hospitality

Into Hospitality is our accredited outreach programme helping people with barriers to work to embark on an awesome careers in hospitality.

Over consecutive days we teach skills such as teamwork, kitchen set up, knife skills, interview and CV preparation, basic cooking, food preparation and service skills. Our learners then complete a workplace immersion in one of our chartered businesses that aligns with their goals and offers awesome hospitality career.

We’re all about outcomes (think we’ve mentioned that a few times!).

Ultimately, Into Hospitality is all about changing people’s lives. Hospitality is uniquely an industry without barriers. If you love it and you apply yourself, you can go far and build an exciting, enriching career. We are all for making that happen for our graduates.

78% - Graduates in employment in 2024

Into Hospitality graduates are placed in businesses with training provided by Electric Mayonnaise for ongoing support during their journey.

Our Partners

  • Tee

    “I learnt so much information and skills about hospitality within this course and also with the work training they’ve provided for us . Lots of thanks to Neil & Lucy they were great! I would recommend Electric mayonnaise for anyone who wants to be professionally trained for any role in hospitality.”

    Spoiler Alert - Tee has taken her new skills, using them to gain enough experience since her course to be just on the point of opening her own bar in Dalston. (Teez Bar and Kitchen - check it out!)


    “I first met the team at Electric Mayonnaise in July of 2021. Since then, they have helped to guide me through my journey and education on what it means to be a good chef.

    Because of this I have had some of the best experiences of my entire life and I'm now on a journey that may hopefully guide and inspire others like myself.”